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Stretcher Scale KERN MWS 300K100M


Wheelchair platform scale MWS 300K100M, Weighing range 300 kg, Readout 0,1 kg

  • Verification class III (verification is optional)
  • Approved as a medical device according to 93/42/EEC
  • Especially suitable for weighing patients in wheelchairs, because the low-profile platform can be approached from either side and the memory function for tare weights for up to five (electric) wheelchairs
  • Three balances in one: With the practical KERN MWS-A02 handrail set, the wheelchair platform scale KERN MWS 300K100M can be converted quickly and easily into a multi-function scale. In this way patients can be weighed standing up on their own, using the support of the handrail or in a wheelchair. For a more ergonomic system the display device can be fitted directly onto the handrail
  • The large steel weighing plate also makes it ideal for weighing obese patients
  • Secure and non-slip positioning with height-adjustable rubber feet
  • Level indicator to level the balance precisely
  • Hold function: While weighing patients that are unable to stand still, a mean average weight value is determined. This allows for sufficient time to attend to the patient, and then get a weight reading
  • BMI function to determine underweight/normal weight/surplus weight
  • The scale can be easily transported using the handle and two rollers and does not require much storage space
  • Display device with two magnets on the back, ideal to fix it to metallic surfaces, e.g. to the weighing plate
  • Battery- or mains-powered, rechargeable battery operation optional
  • Protective working cover included with delivery
Weight 48 kg