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Precision Platform Scales KERN DS 36K0.2


Platform scale DS 36K0.2, Weighing range 36 kg, Readout 0,0002 kg

  • High-capacity precision balance, ideal for high volume or heavy samples to be weighed with a high degree of accuracy
  • User guidance step by step on display by Yes/No dialogue
  • Numerical subtraction of tare weight for known container weight. Useful for checking fill-levels
  • Precise counting: The automatic reference weight optimisation of reference weight gradually improves the average piece weight value
  • Freely programmable weighing unit, e.g. display direct in special units such as length of wire g/m, surface weight g/m², or else
  • KERN Universal Port (KUP): permits the connection of an external KUP interface adapter, such as, for example, RS-232, USB, Bluetooth, WiFi or Ethernet, for the exchange of data and control commands, without any installation outlay
  • KERN Communication Protocol (KCP): The KCP permits searching and remote control of the balance using external control devices or computers
  • Standardised, simplified concept of operation
  • Protective working cover included with delivery